RESPond Flue Gas Conditioning (FGC) is a highly effective surface ash resistivity modifier for power plants operating cold-side Electrostatic Precipitator (ESPs) requiring FGC.
RESPond Flue Gas Conditioning (FGC) Technology is an alternative to more traditional SO3 Injection for Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) performance, Particulate Matter (PM) and opacity control. It works by reducing the electrical resistivity of the collected particulate resulting in reduced PM emissions and opacity. Our technology provides key advantages over SO3 injection for mercury control.
What it Captures
1) Mercury (Hg)
Hpw it Captures
Product Benefits
- Designed specifically for superior mercury capture in coal-fired flue gases
- Reduced operating costs
- Enhanced active process control
- Reduces opacity
- Effective for ESPs with high resistivity fly ash
- Reduced re-entrainment
- Minimal capital investment
- Simple injection system
RESPond® Flue Gas Conditioning (FGC) is a highly effective surface ash resistivity modifier for power plants operating cold-side ESPs requiring FGC.
RESPond Flue Gas Conditioning (FGC) is a highly effective surface ash resistivity modifier for power plants operating cold-side ESPs requiring FGC.