
M-Prove Additives enhance mercury oxidation and mercury removal across a range of coal types and air pollution control devices.

Our additives achieve mercury emissions while minimizing impacts on your plant, providing a cost-effective alternative to other halogen-based coal additives used for mercury control. It has been designed for power plants, industrial boilers and kilns burning sub-bituminous coal (including PRB), lignite and waste/biomass fuels.

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How it Captures

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Product Benefits

  • Designed specifically for superior mercury capture in coal-fired flue gases
  • Reduced injection rates compared to other halogen based fuel additives
  • Lower residual mercury emissions
  • Enhanced active process control
  • Reduced corrosion and other balance of plant impacts
  • Improved fly ash compatibility


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M-Prove™ Additives enhance mercury oxidation and mercury removal across a range of coal types and air pollution control devices.


M-Prove Additives enhance mercury oxidation and mercury removal across a range of coal types and air pollution control devices.

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